Diablo 4 Could Have Made the Final Boss Fight Against Lilith Less Predictable

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Lilith's presence throughout Diablo 4 is characterized by her ability to stay one step ahead of the player and their rag-tag band of Horadrim as they follow her path of destruction around Sanctuary

Diablo 4 Could Have Made the Final Boss Fight Against Lilith Less Predictable

Lilith's presence throughout Diablo 4 is characterized by her ability to stay one step ahead of the player and their rag-tag band of Horadrim as they follow her path of destruction around Sanctuary. While the player can see visions of Lilith and echoes of Diablo 4 Items what she had done at various locations around Sanctuary after ingesting some of her blood petals early in the game, they never come face to face with the villain until the final encounter at the Cathedral of Hatred. This is not an unexpected encounter given that Lilith has been the driving force of the game's plot, but it falls short of being the epic battle it could have been due to being entirely too predictable.

The events that precede this encounter are far more shocking and worthy of the game's climax than the inevitable fight against Lilith. As players descend into Hell in pursuit of Lilith, they will witness the clash between her demonic army and the Cathedral of Light that results in Lilith killing Inarius. If that twist isn't shocking enough, the deaths of characters like Reverend Mother Prava and Donan, along with the last second decision to seal Mephisto within the Soulstone instead of Lilith keep the pace of the story at a high until the final confrontation with Lilith.

However, it's this fight with Lilith that leaves something to be desired because, while it's not necessarily a bad fight, it lacks the same level of intrigue that the events leading up to it had. Lilith's fight is split into two phases: Lilith, Creator of Sanctuary and Lilith, Daughter of Hatred, with an increase in difficulty between the two. Lilith throws everything she has at the player, including destroying parts of the arena as the fight goes on, making her one of the most difficult bosses in Diablo 4.

While the difficult nature of this fight is fitting for a final boss, Diablo 4 could have thrown a better twist in there to really make it memorable. Perhaps, instead of successfully sealing Mephisto within the Soulstone, Lilith completes her mission and kills him, forcing the player to battle her in her far more powerful form as the successor to Mephisto. This final battle also would have been more impactful if the player had fought Lilith much earlier in the game and barely survived so that finally defeating her after a lengthy chase across Diablo 4's Sanctuary would have been all the more satisfying.

Diablo 4 players are complaining about the lack of variety with respect to dungeon bosses in the game. The community has pointed out that while there are more than 120 dungeons in Diablo 4, many of them have similar bosses.

Dungeons are a part of Diablo 4's core activities. There are different kinds of dungeons for Diablo 4 players to tackle as they explore Sanctuary, though some fans are clearly not happy with the boss variety.

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In a post on the Diablo 4 subreddit, user JamboreeStevens mentioned how the game needs more "unique bosses" since there are so many dungeons to play through. They also suggested introducing more enemy types to reduce the repetitiveness of the dungeons, but admitted that isn't as significant as having different bosses in Diablo 4. Several community members agreed with the point and discussed the most common dungeon bosses in Diablo 4 that players encounter repeatedly, out of which Tomb Lord, Blood Bishop, and Mahjoob were the most common names players mentioned.

Since there are over 120 dungeons, it might be a little difficult for Blizzard to cheap Diablo 4 Items have a unique boss for every single dungeon. However, some members of the community feel that the minimal variety in bosses is quite frustrating as the same boss could appear in more than 5 dungeons, which can make things monotonous at times.
